
Our Supporters & Sponsorship’s For Be The Best Sport

Help provide scholarships to help us reduce program costs and provide vocation opportunities to our participants. All funds will go towards program related expenses for our sport enrichment and vocation programs. These donated funds allow Be The Best Sport to reduce program costs to parents and allows us to continue hiring the best instructors and provide a high quality program at an affordable cost. This year our goal is to provide over 200 scholarships to our program participants. Help us reach our goal with a tax-exempt donation!

  • Lead Program Sponsor – $50,000
  • Lead Scholarship Sponsor – $25,000
  • Grand Slam Sponsor/Supporter – $5,000
  • Home Run Sponsor/Supporter – $2,500
  • Triple Sponsor/Supporter – $1,000
  • Double Sponsor/Supporter – $500
  • Single Sponsor/Supporter – $250
  • Supporter – $100
  • Friend – $50 viagra genérico portugal
  • Sponsor – $25